4 Practical Self Care Activities for Busy College Students

4 Practical Self Care Activities for Busy College Students

Guest article provided by: lifebylyn.com

As a college student, self-care can be hard to make time for. With all the assignments, exams, stress, you may not have the energy to put on a face mask or take a 20-minute bubble bath. If that sounds like you, here are 4 practical self-care activities for busy college students.

What is self-care for students?

Self-care is defined as the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress. As a college student, self-care can be as simple as taking a nap after class before starting your homework. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. Self-care is composed of simple everyday acts that help you lead a healthier and happier life. 

How to teach yourself self-care?

The best way to get into the habit of self-care is to learn to listen to your body. Fighting against it will damage you both physically and mentally. If you are looking to improve your relationship with your body and mind, here’s 5 Quick Tips to Improve Your Mental Health

What are some self-care activities?

No more all-nighters

As a college student myself, I know that pulling an all-nighter is necessary for some situations. However, learning to have a cut-off time during the week will save you so much stress. Doing work late into the night isn’t worth the pain of going to class on 3 hours of sleep. Learn when to stop working so you can settle down before bed. Your quantity and quality of sleep will improve. 

Intuitive movement and eating

Young people are constantly being sucked into the tornado of diet culture. As a college student, you already have enough stress, so adding fad diets and excessive exercise will not help. I think having an intuitive approach to your diet and exercise will do wonders for your mental and physical well-being. 

If you’re looking to improve your relationship with your body, read  9 Steps to Improve Your Body Image.

Have a planning strategy

Eliminate stress by having an effective planning strategy. You are less likely to be overwhelmed, and you will better balance school, work, and social life. 

For planning ideas, read this post on How to Have a Digital Planning System.

Consider counseling

The most practical self-care activity you can do as a college student is to consider seeing a counselor. And please don’t wait until you have a crisis. Colleges offer free counseling for all students, so if you ever need to talk, consider giving it a try.

Those were my 7 practical self-care activities for busy college students. I hope these tips help you find more balance in your academic journey. Comment down below your favorite self-care activity and subscribe to the Lyn By Lyn Community!

Have a lovely day,


Photo Credits: Pixabay

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